True Life: I am a Tourist

I've learned that especially in Switzerland, no matter where you turn, there is a photo op waiting to happen. I mean the streets are literally straight out of the movie Lady and the Tramp! Nearly every cafe has fifteen tables and chairs set up out front, acting as a direct invitation to relax and take a break from your day. The one set back though are the prices of this place. That's where they getcha. It's like a real life info- mercial here. They set up these beautiful cafés offering savory pastries and cups of tea that just make you think, "Yes, this is my time to live like the Swiss. To do like the Swiss. To be, a Swiss."
This cliche mindset as a foreigner starts me off at a Level 5: Moderate Stereotypical tourist. I'm even slightly convinced that some of the people sitting at these cafes are paid actors. For hours they sit reading their Swiss newspaper without a worry in the world, showing every person passing by just how happy they are to be at this one cafe.
And it works!
They totally sucker you in by their awesomeness. So you order your food having the mindset that today is the day you are going to treat yourself and enjoy your time living the relaxed lifestyle. The justification is then quickly put to shame however when you are handed your bill showing just how foolish you were to pay so much money. So for a couple minutes you feel some frustration, but then the easy going atmosphere and ambience of the town sets in and you slide back into thinking that it was all worth it. Before you know it, you're telling yourself that this is something you've gotta do again!! ...And that's how they get you. Well played Switzerland, well played.
On a side note, it is finally paying off that I don't like coffee though! A little shot of espresso, one that's maybe only two inches tall, is worth four Swiss Franks! So I'm gunna make a killing on those savings. Hopefully it'll all go towards travel, but I'm sure a lump sum will go towards those chocolate scones. Yumm.
The buildings here are hands down the most visually compelling elements of my trip so far. I’ve found that some of the most exquisite pieces of art lie within the buildings themselves. The intricate components to a small panel on the walls, or the touches of gold painted on the steel gates, or the archways hovering the staircases are all just so impressive as each building is constructed in such a unique way.
Many times I find myself stopped in my tracks just staring at such pieces in awe. It’s very eye opening to be surrounded by architecture with so much history to them, and truly allows you to appreciate little things like walking to a store or coming home from practice. I mean everything here is worth taking a picture of!
So, like a true tourist would do, I’ve had my phone firmly strapped to my hand just waiting to grab shots of every building, every bridge, even every flower pot that I see. It’s kind of ridiculous but everything here is just too beautiful! There’s the restaurant to your left with some flowers in the balcony that would totally make for a solid Instagram pic…

Level 8: High Level Stereotypical American Tourist, then the streets of cobble stone that you just have to snap because, well it’s cobble stone and cobble stone makes everything prettier. Then of course you have to get pictures of the view since this whole town is essentially built on a hill and makes for the most stunning scenery.

Oh! That brings me to the hills here. I think this is the one thing that I haven't quite fully embraced yet. Enough with the hills Fribourg!!
Imagine hiking up a mountain equivalent to Big Basin or Lake Tahoe. Now just cover the ground with cobblestone and replace the trees with cafes, and you get Switzerland.
There's only one difference: usually when you're hiking, everyone with you is equally dying for oxygen.
Well here in Switzerland, I am the ONLY human being in this town that seems to be experiencing respiratory issues while climbing up these hills...which brings my cliche tourist radar to a
Level 10 : Extreme Stereotypical Tourist.
The whole way I'm telling myself, "You're an athlete. You're an athlete." But with the hills being so steep and such a damn treck, the positive reinforcement quickly turns to a depressing argument within myself. The process goes a little like this...
"You're an athlete, you can do this -->
You're an athlete, why can't you do this?? -->
Lindsay you used to be an athlete, what happened? -->
Holy Heidi I'm old and out of shape -->
Why is no one sweating right now? -->
Okay almost to the top, stop drawing attention to yourself. -->
Thank god I made it, yeah that wasn't that bad at all."
That's the conversation that's gone on in my head. Without fail, Every. Time.
Aside fromthe hills I am absolutely loving my time here. The bus system is always on schedule, which makes getting across town and avoiding the hills pretty easy. Though I do need to get ready for my sister's November wedding, so maybe climbing these Mt Everest-like hills will be good for me. The people are very kind and helpful as well. I'm supposed to start French classes sometime within the next two weeks; so for now the only French that I know is "Par le vou anglais?" Currently it's gotten me by, but I'd like to broaden my horizons just a little bit :)